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Ginos Restaurant
Just finished I got to tell you this was one of the biggest sites of 2016. We had to completely redo the whole site and make sure the menu was intact. But I can say it was a fulfilling process. Especially working with the owner, not only about the...
How We Sold Out A Showing using Facebook And You Can Too
The movie Sing has come out and it has obviously been a big hit! I've seen the trailer everywhere. But you know where I haven't seen it from? Movie Theatres. You know you a person who does social media for different industries, movie theaters have it so easy (and...
Perception is Reality
You ever notice when someone keeps posting great things about the things that are going on in their lives. Checking into different places, sharing quotes, posting good news, "feeling" ambitious on Facebook etc. Then when you message them things are not exactly as you...
When A Social Media Campaign Starts Working…. Move on!
When a campaign starts working for you, that's a sign you should start moving on to another one. One thing about marketers is that they duplicate what works. When you have something that works people are going to soon start copying it and it won't be as unique or...
The #1 Way To Go Out Of Business In This Digital Age!
I've gotten some great feedback reception from my clients and (to be honest) it's just because I did my job. I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I don't know about you but when I grew up that was the standard, not the exception. When did people start...
Personal Meetings Are Still Important in an Online World
In my time running Digital Faces there has been many clients that we've successfully serviced (even today) that I've met personally. Calls, text, emails and even Skype have been more than adequate to build an on going relationship and provide an exceptional service....
Click of a Button Doesn’t Mean a Click of a Result!
I've noticed a trend with unsuccessful campaigns, other marketing companies or people attempting to market online. I had a call with a potential client last night and he asked how many leads will he get the first few weeks? His mentality when it came to anything on...
Prospecting Vs Maketing Online
You know I'm not sure if business people know the difference between online prospecting and online marketing. These two distinctions are very important to see because of the world we live in. When people talk about Social Media Marketing or Online Marketing they...
The 2 BIGGEST Mistake You Can Make In Marketing Online!
There can be many pitfalls when it comes to marketing online. You can be marketing to different demographics, spending time on the wrong platform or not having an optimized website. The list goes on and on. Small business owners are still skeptical in investing too...